Friday, November 7, 2014

Penile Implants: A Brief Preliminary Comparison of Types

Since I don't have them yet, there isn't much I could tell you that you can't Google for yourself, but here's my take on them, anyway:  There are two basic types of implants: semi-rigid and inflatable. The rigid ones are malleable rods that keep your penis pretty much extended all the time-- you bend it up or down depending on whether you're ready to party or want the little guy to remain out of sight.  I don't find this very appealing, but one specialist pointed out that the rods generally last longer than the inflatables without having to be replaced.  For younger guys this might be important because since they are likely to be more sexually active, the repeated use of an inflatable might make them not last the 10 year average life they advertise, since the average implant patient tends to be older and less active.  

The inflatables have a more natural feel and appearance, I'm told, especially in the flaccid state, and they give the patient a great degree of control over the rigidity of one's member.  The bothersome thing about implants generally are that the length of the erect penis with implants is like 7 to 10% shorter than it used to be.  The dick doc said it would probably be about the length that you could stretch your flaccid penis with your hand. What the actual HELL?!  Even with the shortening caused by my Peyronie's I'm bigger'n that when in full bloom, so that prospect is very concerning.  If you look for implant videos on Youtube, you'll find one where the guy's johnson is freakin' HUGE, so he must have been an absolute HORSE before the surgery.  Geez, if only I could have what I once had....  Sigh.

There are two types of inflatables, too:  2 piece and 3 piece, which is kind of misleading.  The 3 piece has a fluid reservoir which is placed behind the abdominal wall, a pump in the scrotum, and the two cavernosal bladders, whereas the 2 piece has a combination pump and reservoir plus the bladders.  I couldn't find much information about pros and cons of either, though the docs seem to recommend the 3 piece.  The diagrams of the 2 piece make it seem like the ole' sac might be a little crowded with that combo.  ANYWAY, I'll let you know if I find out anything....

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Peyronie's Hope & Despair: Penis Implants Now, or Hope for Something Better Down the Road?

I'm in a quandary.  I can't seem to commit to the idea of getting penis implants.  I got over the fear of the surgery (although it is done under general anesthesia, which has its own problems), since all the work is done through a small incision in the bottom of the scrotum.  The idea of being able to have an erection whenever I want one is alluring, too, and once the surgery is paid for there might not be the constant expense of ED drugs.  But once made, it's a permanent decision to always have implants, which, since the current inflatable models last only ten to fifteen years, might mean additional surgeries to replace them (although the manufacturer supposedly warrants them for life, so replacements wouldn't cost anything).

On the other hand, I read a .pdf download from, the manufacturer of the ED1000 (see post).  It was a digest of all the testing & research regarding Low Intensity Shock Wave Therapy (which is what the ED1000 is) and it also included some research regarding High Intensity Therapy for Peyronie's using a lithotripsy device to try to break up the scar tissue that causes it, the results of which have been mixed but look rather promising.  If I get implants now,  the ED1000 won't be available to me when it finally gets approved for use in the USA, so it seems to make sense to wait, for a while, at least.

It's frustrating, though, because my wife and I have only had actual intercourse twice in the last two months I've had Peyronie's, and it has been extremely awkward, although we did have some success with a doggie-style arrangement where she kneeled on the bed while I stood up on the floor, but it certainly isn't like it used to be.  Sigh.....  (Years later I have tried shock-wave therapy and finally had the implant surgery.  See later posts.)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Peyronie's Disease: WTF Else is Gonna Happen???

About 8 to 10 weeks ago (see previous post).  I woke with one of my usual only moderately hard morning erections, and the damn thing was curved all the way up to touch my belly.  I finally got an appointment with my urologist in mid-February, and he detected a definite plaque (scar tissue) inside the ol' weenie that is causing it to curve.  He referred me to a urologist specializing in Peyronie's Disease. That doc said he did not believe the Edex had caused it, that I probably injured my member during sex at some point (and I do remember being bent bent double a time or two when I slipped out unexpectedly.  The injury supposedly happens usually when you are doing it in a woman-on-top position).

Anyway, this doc deals with Xiaflex, a new collagenase drug that is injected into the plaque to cause a break in it so the penis can be stretched to separate the parts of the plaque so it no longer "tethers" the penis.  He said, however, that at best it generally improves the curvature by only 33%, and that would not be much help to me, and people who already have ED are not good candidates for Xiaflex because it can make the ED worse.  Then, too, Xiaflex currently costs a whoppin' $3300.00 per vial, with as many as 8 vials sometimes necessary to complete the treatment!  Not sure if insurance would cover any of that, since the drug is sort of experimental.

His bottom line recommendation, if I cannot live with the curvature, is to get penile implants.  (It's a little too much for me to think about right now, so you'll just have to Google penile implants.) My Peyronie's is not stable yet, so he has me taking a couple of prescription drugs to mitigate it as much as possible until it does go from acute to chronic.  Supposedly, 10 to 12% of patients improve on their own, about 40% get worse, and the remaining bunch see no change at all.

Oh, joy....

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Penile Curvature- WTH?

So I dunno if it was the bargain basement penis pump or the Edex, but my member has recently developed an upward curve to it.  She had trouble getting it inserted at first, but once in, we didn't have any problems.  I haven't been able to test it again because She fell and was injured a while back and has not completely healed yet, thus She doesn't have much interest in doin' the do, although she has cheerfully given me fellatio a couple times in the last two weeks-- I think she's still staving off the beast because a full Ironman session takes so much time and effort.  Anyway, I always had a little sideways curve due to unequal filling when the Little Man got excited (the 2nd wife used to call me "J-Man" because it would look like the letter J until it began to become fully erect) but this is definitely different.  I googled Peyronie's Disease, but I can't feel any sort of fibrous tissue in there when I palpate it myself.... I dunno, I've stopped using the pump for now.  Just wish I could use the Edex again to see what's going to happen.